Sculptural installation dedicated to the tragic death of the Baroness of Carini

Sculptural installation by the sculptor Davide Iovino, dedicated to the tragic death of the Baroness of Carini, killed at the hands of hers father, whose only fault was being forced to marry a man who wasn’t that she loved. This work aims at shedding light on the present conditions of women. Women who follow their heart and who rebel against the decisions of fathers, killed or locked up for this. Women and girls who experience violence, in whatever form, within the walls of the house, the place par excellence  that should be protective.

The crack at the base of the work indicates that the pain from the base of society. This pain is reflected in the tree, it begins to lose his life in order to cross a “barrier” at the point of maximum tenderness and the last thought. The tree, beyond the barrier, reborn, returns to live, to sprout and it falls on a white cloth, a new symbol of purity.

The installation is located at one of the halls of the Castle of Carini.



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